Fast Path Emerging Innovations
Identify Data-Driven Revenue Ops
About Mark's Advisory Solutions
Delivering Layered Innovation, Transformation, Efficiencies, and Revenue Ops across Industries.
With a career spanning over 25 countries, hundreds of companies, and 20 years of publications, columns, and books, Mark’s experience, results, and innovative leadership stand out.
A representative sample of elite domestic and international clients include, Duetsche Bank, NYSE, DTCC, NASDAQ, American, Citigroup, A.T. Kearney, KeyCorp, SBC, Kaiser Permanente, multiple Blue Cross enterprises, SOC DWP, Travelers Ins., Ocwen, Stanford University / Atomic Tangerine, Case Western University, Vibro Forza, Country of Saudia Arabia, AT&T, Ernst & Young, CSC, and numerous others.
Mark is also a prior CTO, CIO, Chief Innovation Officer (CINO), Global Enterprise Architect, and held multiple leadership positions in large, multinational private and consultative organizations.
Mark Dangelo specializes in helping industry and technology leaders optimize their operational efficiency, deliver data integration, and drive growth. Unlike larger consulting firms, Mark offers a personalized approach backed by decades of industry experience and a proven, published track record. Mark’s custom methodologies and deep industry insights are available to your organization ensuring that you receive tailored solutions, which deliver measurable and repeatable results. Partner with Mark to achieve sustainable growth and operational excellence. Schedule your free consultation today and discover the difference experience can make in an Age of AI.
What Does Mark Do? Hands-on Innovative Implementations, Guidance, and Transformations--Data, Agile, AI

Contact Mark. It’s
To connect with Mark is easy. You can fill out the form below or reach him through industry and innovation columns at Thomson Reuters Institute or the national Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA). He can also be reached at CWRU WSOM xLab and LinkedIn.
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